
Rossetti Blue Closet

During the preliminary meetings in Iowa City May 15 - 18, we will hold four class sessions, view slides of Pre-Raphaelite paintings and view relevant materials in the UI Libraries Special Collections. We will leave the United States on May 21, arriving in the U.K. on May 22, and spend four weeks in central London, holding classes in the Bloomsbury district.

Students will read four prose works centered on London life: Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist, Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Israel Zangwill’s Children of the Ghetto, and William Morris’s News from Nowhere (an illustrated version is at www.uiowa.edu/~wmorris). These will be supplemented with writings by several London-based poets associated with the Pre-Raphaelite movement: Christina Rossetti, D.G. Rossetti, Augusta Webster, and William Morris. In addition, we will visit Oxford and Cambridge, and read Oxford-associated works such as Matthew Arnold’s "Sweetness and Light," G.M. Hopkins’s "Binsley Poplars" and "Duns Scotus’s Oxford," and Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland.


Students are expected to write brief essays on the readings and sites visited and prepare a 6-8 page page using materials found in the rare books, periodicals or manuscripts in the British Library.

The program includes trips to view artifacts at the Tate Gallery, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the National Portrait Gallery, and the London Museum. In addition, students will visit Kensington Palace and Hampton Court, Dickens’s house in central London, Keats' House in Hampstead, Morris’s house in Hammersmith, the Leighton House, and Zangwill’s neighborhood in the East End. During an excursion to Oxford, participants will view Pre-Raphaelite paintings at the Ashmolean Museum; visit colleges of Victorian interest, such as Keble, Exeter, and Balliol; and observe the stained glass windows of Christ Church College.


First week. classes meeting in EPB 4, 12:30-4:45, except for visit to Special Collections, at 12:15 on Friday the 18th (meet at Special Collections, third floor library)

Tuesday May 15th

introduction; Pre-Raphaelite slides

Wednesday May 16th

News from Nowhere, chapters 1-14; Morris slides

Thursday 17th

News from Nowhere, chapters 15-32; Morris slides

Friday 18th

12:15 Special Collections
slides News

read News from Nowhere;
look at BBC Oliver Twist website;
look at British Library Alice in Wonderland site;
plan 4 projected trips to relevant London sites, with maps, and post non-visual portions to class web site;
one posting on visit to Special Collections.

London Tuesday May 22nd

Arrive in London; meet Florence by 10 a. m. at Heathrow arrival point; we’ll wait until 10:45 for late arrivals and then make our way to the Accent offices 99-103 Great Russell Street, London as cheaply as possible. They will take you to your housing.

2-4 student orientation at 99 Great Russell Street. Florence may be reached at Janet Poole House, Flat 6, 105 Gower Street, tel: 020-1291-3067.

6:30 p. m. meet for dinner at place to be arranged; dinner probably on Charlotte Street or Tottenham Court Road

Wednesday May 23rd

Students have waking tour 9-12

Class: 2-5 p. m. Accent center, room 7
discussion of student choices for visits, if possible
historical background
reading poetry: stanza forms and metrics
D. G. Rossetti, “The Blessed Damozel”

Thursday May 24th
Class 9-12: D. G. Rossetti, “Jenny”
Alice in Wonderland, part I

afternoon, visit to British Museum

Friday May 25th

Students visit British Library and/or place of their choice

Saturday May 26th

Trip to Victoria and Albert and Leighton House, meet at 11 a. m. at High Street Kensington

Sunday May 27th

Trip to Kensington Palace, meet at 11 a. m. at Queensway Tube Station on Central Line

go to British Library to begin deciding on manuscript/rare book project;
one posting on readings for week;
one posting on first independent trip, if possible.

Second week London

Monday May 28th

Class 9-12: Alice in Wonderland Part II
William Morris, “The Defence of Guenevere”
Bank holiday, Accent center closed
Dickens House trip start at 1:30, meet in front of Museum

Tuesday May 29th

Class 9-12: Augusta Webster, “The Castaway”
Matthew Arnold, “Sweetness and Light”

Wednesday and Thursday 30th and 31st

Wednesday to Oxford and Kelmscott Manor starting at 8:20 a. m. from Victoria Tube station, corner of Terminus Street and Buckingham Palace Road.

Thursday to Ashmolean Museum 10-12, Christ College Church, Alice in Wonderland Museum, Bodleian Library, Keble College

Friday June 1st

Class 9-12:
Oliver Twist, first third
Christina Rossetti, “Goblin Market”

Saturday June 2nd

Students to visit site of their choice (Parliament, Westminster Cathedral, tower of London, National Gallery).

Sunday June 3rd

To Keats’ house and Hampstead Heath, meet at 1 at Hampstead Tube Station.

posting on visit to site of your choice;
posting on one of readings for the week, or something we saw in Oxford;
begin on longer paper using British Library sources.

Third Week London

Monday June 4th

Class 9-12: Oliver Twist, second third
G. M Hopkins, nature sonnets and “Duns Scotus’ Oxford”
Students go see London Museum

Tuesday June 5th

Free day—students will visit one of the four sites they have chosen.

Wednesday June 6th

Class 9-12: Oliver Twist, all
G. M. Hopkins, dark sonnets
All go to Tate Gallery leaving at 1, open to 5:30 p. m.

Thursday June 7th

Class –12: R. L. Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
discussion of student projects
All go to William Morris House 1-5.

Friday June 8th
Day trip to Hampton Court, 9:30 a. m. meet at Waterloo Train Station under the clock in the middle of the station hall.

Saturday June 9th

Weekend free for students to take trip on their own (suggested, Stratford, Canterbury Cathedral, those mentioned earlier). This would also be a good time to work on your final paper.

Sunday June 10th


Monday June 11th

Class 9-12: Zangwill, Children of the Ghetto
Students will go to the National Portrait Gallery.

Tuesday June 12th

Class 9-12: Zangwill, Children of the Ghetto
George Egerton, “Going Under”
All will visit the Jewish Museum in Camden Town.

Wednesday June 13th

morning free for students to visit one of their four sites
Class 1-4: John Ruskin, selections from Modern Painters
Sarah Grand, “A Fantasia”

Thursday June 14th

Class 9-12: John Ruskin, selections from “Modern Painters”
Oscar Wilde, “The Ballad of Reading Goal”
students work on projects in library

Friday June 15th

Day trip to Cambridge—Fitzwilliam, King’s College, All Saints Church, the backs. I will get the time for this, but it will be about 7:30 a. m.

Saturday June 16th

Students will visit site of their choice.

Sunday June 17th

tour of Hampstead synagogue if possible

Students prepare draft of final paper
Student post reading response to course site
Students complete another trip and post comments to site.

Monday June 18th

Class 9-12: John Ruskin, “The Nature of Gothic”
second topic
students visit their fourth site and post comments

Tuesday June 19th

Class 9-12: student reports on projects
a second topic, possibly Pater’s “Leonardo” and the “Conclusion”
final dinner before leaving?

Wednesday June 20th

flight home

Summary of assignments:

Readings and visits;
Weekly posting on an aspect of the readings;
Students visit four London sites mentioned in works we have read and post comments to the course site;
A 6-8 page paper on course-related topic using specialized materials from the British Library. I will provide sample suggestions.