- Achebe, Chinua, "An Image of Africa"
- Althusser, Louis
- Aristotle, Poetics
- Austin, J. L., "Performative Utterances"
- Bakhtin, Discourse in the Novel
- Barthes, Roland, "Death of the Author"
- Baudrillard, Jean, "The Precession of Simulacra"
- Benjamin, Walter, Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
- Bhabha, Homi, Commitment to Theory
- Bloch, Ernst, selections
- Bourdieu, Pierre, Distinction: A Social Critique
- Chatterji, Anandamath
- Chattahirkwy, Bankinchandra, Rajmohan's Wife
- Cixous, Helene, The Laugh of the Medusa
- Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari, essays
- de Man, Paul, Semiology and Rhetoric
- De Pizan, City of Ladies
- Derrida, Exergue, The Exorbitant, Différance, Of Hospitality
- Dilthey, Wilhelm, The Understanding of Other Persons
- Eichenbaum, Boris
- Euripides, Alcestis
- Fanon, Frantz, Wretched of the Earth
- Foucault, Michel, Archaeology of Knowledge
- Freud, selections
- Habermas, Jurgen
- Hossain, Rokeya
- Head, Bessie, Maru
- Hegel, G. W. F.
- Heidegger, "Language"
- Homer, Odyssey
- Ibsen, Henrik, A Doll's House
- Iser, Wolfgang
- Jauss, Hans Robert, "Literary History as a Challenge"
- Job, Book of
- Jung, Carl
- Kant, Critique of Judgment
- Kristeva, Julia
- Lacan, Jacques, essays
- Lamming, George, In the Castle of My Skin
- Levi-Strauss, Claude, Tristes Tropiques, Structural Study of Myth
- Lukacs, Gyorgy, Realism in the Balance
- Lyotard, Jean-Francois, "Defining the Postmodern"
- Margalit, Avishai, The Ethics of Memory
- Marx, early writings and Capital
- Naess, Arne and Bill Duvall
- Nietzsche, On Truth and Lying, The Birth of Tragedy
- Plaatje, Sol, Mhudi
- Plato, Symposium and Dialogues
- Poulet, Georges, "Phenomenology of Reading"
- Ranciere, Jacques, The Politics of Aesthetics
- Sartre, Jean-Paul, "Why Write?"
- Satthianadhan, Krupabai, Kamala
- Saussure, General Linguistics
- Singer, Peter, Practical Ethics
- Spivak, Gayatri, "Can the Subaltern Speak"
- Todorov, Tzvetan, Structural Analysis of Narrative
- Venuti, Lawrence and others, Translation Theory
- War Poets: Arcos, Goll, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva
- Wa Thiong'o, Ngugi and others, "On the Abolition of the English Department"
- Zizek, Slajov, "Looking Awry"