
What are features of the chapter titles? How are they designed to increase one's desire to read each chapter? (often hint at an event but don't specify what it will be)

What is added by the illustrations? What do they seem to imply about the contents of this novel, and how we should view it?

How are names used throughout the story--Murdstone, Steerforth, Trotwood, Traddles, Creakle, and so on?

What do we learn from the preface? What does the narrator state has been his relationship to this book, and to his audience?

How do the 1850 and 1869 prefaces differ? Which do you prefer, and why?

How is the novel subdivided into parts? How does each section division bring closure or add suspense?

Chapter 1: I Am Born

What is meant by the narrator’s statement that we don’t yet know whether he will be the hero of his own life? What are other possibilities? Will he in fact be the hero of his own life?

How would you characterize this narrator?  (irony, humor, overstatement, indirection; use of caricature) What does he think of the prophecies which attended his birth? What class of people does he imply are likely to believe in such portents?

What do you make of the early reference to the caul? What tone is conveyed by placing this early in his account? (comic grotesque)

What event has overshadowed his birth? (his father’s death)  What do we learn about his one surviving relative and her objection to his mother?  His parents’ marriage?

How does the narrator refer to his mother? (“my poor dear mother”) How are she and Miss Betsy Trotwood contrasted?

Are stereotypes regarding unmarried independent women reflected in the portrayal of Miss Betsy?

What do we learn about her from her opening conversation with Miss Betsey Trotwood? Are her fears that she will be a childish mother to be borne out by the narrative?

What do you make of the fact that Miss Betsey wishes him to be a girl? Why do you think the narrator includes this incident?

What had been Mrs. Copperfield’s prior life before marriage? Her relationship to her husband? What do we learn of the character of both parents?

How much money had he left his wife? (105 pounds annually) At what level could they have lived on this? Would Mrs. Copperfield have been able to work, and if so, what employments and levels of remuneration would have been available to her?

Why is the servant addressed by her last name?

From what point of view is the childbirth described? How do we know that childbirth was an ordeal?  (cotton in ears, noises, agitation)

What contrasts have organized this chapter?

What are some associations evoked in the final paragraph? Is it typical of chapter conclusions in pointing to a wider or more general context?

Chapter 2: I Observe

What is the nature of the household in which David is first raised? (his mother and Peggotty on companionable terms) What do we learn about the young David’s traits of character and personality? (sensitive child, 62)

What seems to give her pleasure, in addition to her son? (likes to be praised for her appearance)

In the narrator’s view, what childhood traits lead to an insightful adulthood? (bent for observation, 61)

What prompts Mrs. Copperfield’s remarriage? Were economic factors involved? What are we to infer about the nature of her choice from Peggotty’s remarks? (69)

How is Mr. Murdstone’s character described? (72) How does he treat David when with his friends? (72)

From what perspective does David remember his mother? (nostalgia, idealization, sadness, 74) If he needs to remember her in her innocent helplessness, what may this reveal about his view of her behavior?

What seems to have happened to her since? (she has died, her memory dependent on him, 72)

How is the matter of the mother’s remarriage handled? Is David told honestly what will happen? (sent away for wedding, 76) Could he have been included? What emotions does he feel? (self-pity)

What seems suggested by the fact that his mother cries at his departure? (76)

What are the implications of the suggestion of a fairy tale return at this juncture? (76, things are so unhappy that a fairytale ending would be needed to retrieve them)

Chapter 3: I Have a Change

How does the narrator present events from a child’s perspective? Where do the Peggotty family live? (79)

What relation do the dwellers in Mr. Peggotty’s home have with one another? (Ham is Mr. Peggotty’s nephew, Emily his brother-in-law’s child, 83)

What are some instances of humor? Would you describe these as indirect? (appeal to unexpected, 83)

What role is served by the character of Mr. Peggotty? (comic relief) How does he behave toward Miss Gummidge?

How are the perceived class differences between David and Mr. Peggotty’s family indicated?

How do Little Emily’s tastes and character give some indication of what may be her later fate? (wants to be a lady, 85-86) What attitude does she take toward her position in the social hierarchy? (wishes to rise, foreshadowing)

Why do you think the author includes the incident in which Little Emily leaps off a promontory into the water? (foreshadowing, 86)

What do you make of the relationship between David and Emily at this stage of their lives? Is it the usual relationship between playmates? (flirts, proposes, etc., 87)

How does the narrator look back on this early attachment?

In what tone does Peggotty convey the news of Mrs. Copperfield’s remarriage to David?

What do you make of the fact that she has delayed in telling him? That his mother left to her the task of letting him know something so crucial to his future?

What are some indications of Mr. Murdstone’s controlling temperament and attitude toward his stepson? (93)

The first serial part ended here. Can you see signs of care in designing the ending? What are we to anticipate of the future? (ominous; menacing dog like his master)

Chapter 4: I Fall Into Disgrace

What characterizes the relations between David and his stepfather? What does the stepfather threaten? (beats him, David even bites him, 108)

What plea does David make for kindness? Its outcome?

How is Miss Murdstone described? (metallic, 97)

What religion is practiced by the Murdstones? (Calvinist, 102)

What type of education is advocated by Mr. Murdstone, and what effect does this have on David? (103-105)

What are some signs of David’s intelligence? (reads and imagines, 105-106) To whose library does he have access?

What is important about the child’s affection for Peggotty? How will this help widen the plot? (111) How is she characterized? Are there stereotypical aspects to this portrayal?

Chapter 5: I Am Sent Away from Home

When David leaves for his education at Salem House, who performs the offices of a mother in kissing him goodbye? (112)

How is he cheated in his first restaurant dinner?

On his arrival, who meets him, and how is he characterized? What is Mr. Mell’s private solace? (flutist)

On what pretext is a placard placed on David? (Mr. Murdstone had requested it, 130)

What does this practice indicate about attitudes at the school? What effect does this have on David?

Chapter 6: I Enlarge My Circle of Acquaintance

In what way is his “circle of acquaintance” enlarged? What characterizes Mr. Creakle’s behavior towards his charges and the behavior of the boys toward one another?

What seems to be the fate of Mrs. and Miss Creakle? (their kinder impulses are ignored)

In general what does the narrator see as the flaws of the education system of his time? Do you think this may have been a realistic portrayal of some of the boys' schools of the time?

How is Steerforth introduced? (136) What is Steerforth’s social class and consequent position in the school?

Would the wealthier youth have likely been the object of favoritism in such a situation? Are there elements of class stereotyping in the portrayal of the upper-class bully?

What seems to be his character and relationship to David? (homoerotic overtones, 140) Is it significant that he compares David to a girl?

Is this the first instance in the plot in which David has been associated with a female alter ego?

Are there features of foreshadowing in the descriptions of Steerforth?

What incidents reveal his character, and why doesn’t David respond with suspicion or dislike to instances of bullying, cruelty, or appropriation of others’ property? (Steerforth takes his money, 136)

How does David differentiate himself at this stage of his life? (reads and tells stories, doesn't express disapproval of mean actions)

How is the ending for this second part designed? What seems to be foreshadowed about the future? (something dark will occur)

Chapter 7:  My “First Half” at Salem House

What do the other boys think of Mr. Creakle? How is Traddles treated? (persecuted, 143)

What is Steerforth’s role in the general ambiance of abuse? (permits David to suffer for him, 143)

What do you think of David’s character at this point?

Is there a distance between the narrator and the child he is observing? How does the narrator critique this situation in retrospect? (142)

What characterizes the relationship between Steerforth and David? (latter tells stories to him, 144, a pattern which will be repeated throughout his life; Steerforth less able to entertain himself, restless)

What is Mr. Mell’s role in the school, and Steerforth’s attitude toward him? (mean, condescending, 147, encourages boys to tease him, 148, lies to cause trouble for him with Mr. Creakle, exposes his mother’s poverty and he is fired, 153)

How does Traddles respond to this incident? (153) What taunt does Steerforth give? (he is a girl, 153)

Is it possibly significant that David introduces Steerforth to Ham and Peggotty? (157) What is the tone of his introduction? (praises him glowingly, inspires their trust in Steerforth)

Chapter 8: My Holidays. Especially one Happy Afternoon

When David returns home, in what condition does he find his mother? What do we infer from the fact that she begs Peggotty to stay with her until “the end”? (164)

In general, how is the mother represented? Does the narrator or the young David offer judgment?

What causes the mother to quarrel with Peggotty? (167)

What are the attitudes and characteristics of Miss Murdstone?

How is David’s time spent? (tedium and unhappiness, 174) What gulf opens between him and his mother?

Why is David forbidden to spend time with Peggotty? (173)

What is David’s final sight of his mother? With whom does he identify? (child in mother's arms)

What circumstances in the lives of Victorian women have helped determine her fate?

Chapter 9: I have a Memorable Birthday

Is the title of this chapter ironic? What makes his birthday “memorable”?

Under what conditions does he hear the news of his mother’s death? (176) What is his first innocent reaction? (“feels distinguished at death,” 177)

What preparations for the funeral are necessary for a Victorian child? (taken to receive mourning clothes, 179) What is grotesque and strange about his visit with the funeral tailors? (they are quite happy at the event, which means nothing to them)

Under what circumstances does he learn of the death of his half-brother? (while clothes are being fitted, 180)

What are some features of the funeral? What does he learn from Peggotty about his mother’s death?

What metaphors are used to describe her passing? (185) How does David wish to remember her? (as she had been, 185, with child on bosom)

How is the ending for this third part designed? Does it seem to close an epoch of his life?

Chapter 10: I become Neglected, and am Provided for

Why is Peggotty fired? What significance will this have for David?

How is the courtship between Barkis and Peggotty characterized? (comic, “Barkis is willing”) Is it romantic?

What do you make of the fact that Peggotty seeks David’s permission to marry? That before accepting his offer, she considers whether her new location will enable her to visit David? (a common middle-class novel plot motif is the servant totally devoted to the interests of her employer's family)

What seems to be the relationship between David and Little Emily? Why cannot they be a future romantic/married couple? (kisses her, 199)

What is the significance of the choice of occupation for young David of Mr. Quinn’s counting house?

What ironies are latent in the chapter’s title?

Is there any significance or pattern to the use of capitalization?

Chapter 11: I begin Life on my own Account, and don’t like it

What conditions does David find in the warehouse of Murdstone and Grinby? What are his emotions on finding himself in such a position? (secret agony, 211, feels deserted, 214)

Is he able to form ties with the other youths in the factory? If not, what may this indicate? Why are the Micawbers by contrast more acceptable?

In what role does he meet Mr. Micawber and come to live with his family? (211)

What is Mr. Micawber’s situation? To what extent is it his own fault?

What is David’s financial situation? (often hungry, 215) How do others perceive him? (as a gentleman, 218)

What traits of the future novelist/writer does he display? (tells stories to others)

What services does David provide for Mr. Micawber? (pawns books and other items, 220)

Where does Mr. Micawber reside, and how does he respond to his situation? (imprisoned, remains cheerful, 221)

What comic exaggerations characterize the Micawber family?

Of whom does David borrow money, and for what purpose? (221) What anxieties does he feel about the future? (225)

Chapter 12: Liking Life on my own Account no better, I form a great Resolution

What causes the Micawbers to leave London? In what situation does this leave David, and what does he resolve?

What alarming event occurs as he tries to leave town? (his trunk and possessions stolen) In what situation does this leave him? (bereft, without money or other support, needing to travel on foot with no place to sleep)

Is this a suitable ending for a section?

Chapter 13: The Sequel of My Resolution

What are some incidents which befall him on his difficult trip to Plymouth? (theft of money and trunk, difficulties of pawning, tinker attempts to steal, aunt initially hostile)

What prompts him to sleep for a night near Salem House, but not to reveal his presence?

What dangers does he learn to avoid? What image does he find consoling? Who helps him?

What role does Mr. Dick play in the decision to permit David to remain with his aunt?

What does Miss Trotwood’s relationship with Mr. Dick reveal about her character? (252)

What are some comic aspects of her initial reception of David? (swathes him in blankets, offers him various inappropriate liquids) Is it a good omen that he is offered a comfortable bed?

Chapter 14: My Aunt makes up her Mind about me

What seems to be Mr. Dick’s mental condition? Why does he reject the use of his full name? (it brings associations of past ill treatment)

What seems to motivate his preoccupation with the beheading of Charles I? (another instance of the comic grotesque)

What is shown by Miss Trotwood's affection for him? (basically kind nature)

What reason does Mr. Murdstone give for his visit, and how does Miss Trotwood respond to these? What account do the Murdstones give of David?

On what grounds does his aunt decide to keep him? Does she have the legal right to do so?

What information about his financial motives for taking David from school and placing him in the Murdstone and Grinby factory does Miss Betsey extract from him?

Could forethought have prevented the loss of Mrs. Copperfield’s small pension by her son? (yes, the father could have provided for him in his will, and she could have sequestered it to him before her marriage)

How does Miss Trotwood behave toward Mr. Murdstone? (berates him) What is David’s response? (kisses her)

What change does she make in David’s name? Should she have asked his consent?

Chapter 15: I Make Another Beginning

What is David’s response to learning that he will be sent to school? (delighted) From whom does Miss Trotwood seek advice in choosing a school? (Mr. Wickfield)

What purpose does Miss Trotwood believe schooling should serve? (to make a child happy and useful, 277) Is this a contrast with the goals of David’s former school?

With whom does he board while in school? (Mr. Wickfield and his daughter) What role does Agnes serve in Mr. Wickfield’s household? (housekeeper, 280)

What is the significance of the association of Agnes with a church window? (280)

By contrast, what do we learn of Uriah Heep? What are some of his unpleasant or suspicious features? (281, excessively servile, has cold hand)

How is Miss Betsy’s parting with her nephew described? What parting advice does she give him? (280, never be mean, false or cruel) Does he heed this advice?

Chapter 16: I am a New Boy in more Senses than One

How is Dr. Strong first described? (disheveled) What is unusual about his marriage, even for Victorian England? (relative youth of wife; he is nearly 62) What task does she perform to help him dress? (puts on his shoes)

What are the intentions of Dr. Strong’s cousin toward his wife? What do we learn about Dr. Strong’s character from his response to Jack Maldon and his wife? (unsuspicious, trusting)

What aspects of his past trouble David? (his street knowledge, 285; feels an imposter)

How are Emily and Agnes contrasted in David’s mind? (Agnes represents good, 289) Will this distinction prove significant?

Is Mr. Wickfield presented as a possessive father? (289) What kind of education is Agnes permitted to receive? (home-schooled, 286)

What deep fear does Mr. Wickfield express? (he and his daughter will  be parted by death, 291)

What seems the narrator’s view of ideal father-daughter relationships? (they hold hands, she waits for him on stairs, are constantly in one another's company)

What does Mr. Wickfield imply in his remarks on Dr. Strong and Jack Maldon? (too unsuspicious, 286) Will he be proved correct? Why does he seek to find work for Jack? (283)

What seem to be elements of Jack’s character? What do we learn about him from his manner of speaking about Dr. Strong? (288, condescending)

What are some traits which make Uriah Heep offensive? (293)  What seems to lie behind his prating of his “humbleness”? (ambition; sees David as a rival; mentions that David might take over Mr. Wickfield's business)

Are there any plot parallels between the behavior and aspirations of Uriah and David? (both work diligently and seek to be upwardly mobile; novel doesn't treat well those who start below the middle-class but hope to rise)

What are some good qualities of David’s new school? (Dr. Strong kind, 294; boys are trusted and encouraged to learn; self-management is emphasized) What kind of subjects is David taught? (classical languages)

What is Dr. Strong’s central research interest? (his Greek dictionary)

In what potentially dangerous habit does Mr. Wickfield engage? (drinking to excess, 291)

About what does Annie worry? (that Mr. Wickfield will discover her meetings with Jack Maldon, 296, walks with David instead)

On what occasion do David and Annie in fact encounter Jack Maldon? (at party for Jack's departure) How does the reader know that these meetings were planned? (296)

What is the effect of the repeated mention of her youth? (298; has married too young, 298)

What new and disturbing facts does her mother add in her account of the Dr. and Annie’s courtship? (298, she had been at first reluctant to accept his marriage offer, had considered herself too young)

How does Annie react to Jack’s departure for India? (faints, 300) What emotion does David observe in her? (304)

What had happened to the red ribbon which had been on Annie’s bosom?

What is implied by Annie’s penitent response to her husband at the chapter’s ending? (304)

What attitudes towards "the fallen woman" does the novel convey? Would this have been a dominant attitude in middle and respectable lower-middle-class circles at the time?

Chapter 17: Somebody Turns Up

What joke or allusion is embedded in the chapter's title?

When Mr. Dick visits him in Canterbury, what sinister information does David learn from him about Miss Trotwood? (mysterious stranger extorts money from her)

What role does Mr. Dick assume in the school? (watches games with child-like enthusiasm, is befriended by Agnes)

Does David enjoy his visit to the Heep home? What seem features of the Heeps’ home life, and the relationship between mother and son?

To what purpose do they seem to ply him with questions? (e. g., his view of the Wickfield household; David worries about what he might say)

How does David encounter Mr. Micawber? (he visits the Heep home) What has brought him to Canterbury? (315, seeks work)

What do we learn has since happened to the Micawber family? (has left Plymouth, in despair at debt)

What sentiments are included in his letter of farewell? (321) How does the narrative undercut these?

What characteristic of the Micawber family makes their plight seem less painful? (they leave cheerfully by coach, 322)

Chapter 18: A Retrospect

Over time, how does David’s position in the school change? (becomes head boy)

Whom does David fight, and with what results? (butcher) Why doesn’t he tackle someone from his own school? (later defeats butcher)

For whom does David hold a romantic passion, and what suspends this attachment? (Miss Larkins, who is about 30 years old and soon marries) Do she and her fiancé behave well to him?

Chapter 19: I Look About Me, and make a Discovery

What difficulties does David feel in choosing a career? (no preferences, 330)

Whom does David seem to resemble, even in adolescence? (his mother, 332)

Where is he sent for a vacation and to consider his future? (home of Mr. Peggoty) Does this seem a likely location for deciding on a career?

What advice is David given by his aunt? (to be firm and self-reliant) Why do you think she chooses these qualities to suggest to him?

What household does he visit en route to Mr. Peggoty's home?

Whom does he find that he misses? (333) In what terms does he praise Agnes, and what relationship does  he seem to wish to have with her? (she is to be his counselor in love affairs, 333)

What seems to be happening to Mr. Wickfield, and what causes his decline? (alcohol and Heep’s influence)

What news does Jack Maldon give of himself in his letters from India? How do his relatives react? (with sympathy and desire to help)

Who is the sole member of the group to view Jack and his missive with suspicion? (Mr. Wickfield)

Why does David view the friendship between Annie and Agnes as ominous? What future outcomes may this imply? (339, that Annie may encourage Agnes to act imprudently)

What circumstances permit David to travel to London? (aunt gives him money for a coach and for his expenses)

Whom does David meet in London at the theater en route to visiting Peggotty?  How does he respond to the sight of Steerforth? (345) Steerforth to him? (346, comments on his appearance)

What is Steerforth’s current occupation and his attitude toward it? (has no desire to excel or learn at university, 345; doesn't intend to take his degree)

What changes is Steerforth able to make in David’s accommodation? (346, obtains better rooms for him)

Chapter 20: Steerforth’s Home

What do you make of the fact that Steerforth calls David “Daisy”? Is this a compliment?

When David visits Steerforth’s home in Highgate, what does he learn of Steerforth’s family environment? How is the latter treated by his mother and Rosa Dartle?

What are some unusual features of Rosa Dartle’s appearance, character and manner? What has been Steerforth’s relationship to her? (she has a scar on her lip from his throwing of a hammer at her in childhood) What seems the intent behind her constant questions? (skeptical, wishes to expose unpleasant or unstated assumptions of others)

How does he describe Rosa’s past and fortunes to David? Why are her financial fortunes so prominent in this account? (she has inherited a couple thousand pounds--would this be enough to live on?--about the income of David's mother after her husband's death--slightly less than a lower middle-class income for one person)

How does Steerforth characterize the emotions of the poor? (not as sensitive as those who are wealthier) What ominous actions may this seem to foreshadow?

How had his mother chosen his school? (wanted one where her son would be catered to)

Chapter 21: Little Em’ly

On his visit to Steerforth, what does David find irritating/obnoxious about the behavior of Steerforth’s servant Littimer? What hint does the narrator provide that this might be significant? (he stays after Steerforth has apparently left)

How does Steerforth treat David? (like a plaything) Should this have indicated that something was wrong?

En route to Peggotty’s home, what gossip/allusions concerning Emily does David hear?

What does the narrative voice tell us about Steerforth’s relationship with the Peggottys and their circle? (merely playing with them, 368)

What event is being celebrated as the visitors arrive? How do the Peggottys respond to Steerforth? (all are charmed, including Emily)

What information does Mr. Peggotty give about Emily? (Ham loves her)

When Steerforth makes condescending remarks to him privately, what attitude toward the poor does David project onto Steerforth? (he understands and loves the poor, 377)

What is Steerforth’s response to this? (calls him good, wishes all were so) What might you infer from this? (he is already plotting to seduce Emily)

Chapter 22: Some old Scenes, and some new People

What do we infer from David’s mention that not all his time in Yarmouth was spent in Steerforth’s company?

What does David himself do? (visits his former home) What future does he imagine for himself as he visits his parents’ graves? (378)

When David finds Steerforth brooding by Mr. Peggotty’s fire, what sentiments does Steerforth express? (foretells that their close family circle will be dispersed) What does he wish he had had? (a good and judicious father, 378)

What does this indicate about his future, his self-knowledge, and the novel’s assumptions about male maturation? (that is, why doesn’t he mention a good mother?)

Is Steerforth shifting responsibility? What does Steerforth regret that he is unable to do? (can’t settle to anything, 380)

What may the reader assume about Steerforth’s future?

What expensive present has Steerforth bought for Mr. Peggotty? (a boat, christened "Lil' Emily") Is its name significant?

What seems suggested by the fact that a woman is seen following Ham and Little Emily? (described as a black shadow--ominous)

Who does she turn out to be, and is it significant that Ham is reluctant for Emily to speak with her?

How do others behave toward Martha? (now an outcast, they behave with caution, 399) How would you describe Martha’s attitude toward her own lapses? (abject)

What seems to be Miss Mowcher’s role in the story? What is her occupation? (hairdresser and manicurist) What does she reveal about the lives of those she treats?

What topics does she wish to learn about? With what information do David and Steerforth provide her? (Steerforth has met Lil' Emily)

What do we learn about Emily’s attitude before her marriage? (restless, moody, 400) About what does she weep? (her own lack of goodness, 399)

Do these responses bode well for her married life?

How does she behave toward Ham? (clings to Ham in guilt and fear, 400) What does the reader surmise? (she fears she too will become a fallen woman) What gift does she give Martha, and where is this obtained? (she gives Martha money from Ham's purse)

Chapter 23: I corroborate Mr. Dick, and choose a Profession

Does it seem odd that Steerforth leaves Mr. Littimer behind after he and David return from Yarmouth?

What confession of regret does Miss Betsey make? (could have helped David’s family earlier, 407--yes) What restitution does she plan?

What occupation does she suggest for him, and how much will this cost her? (a thousand pounds; he will be training to be a proctor in the ecclesiastical courts) To what firm is he articled? (Spenlow and Jorkins) What views do you think Dickens himself holds of this occupation?

What do we learn about the respective characters of the two partners?

Whom does Miss Betsey seem alarmed on encountering near her home? How does she behave, and why do you think she gives money to this mysterious stranger? (409)

What does David learn about the relationship between Mr. Spenlow and Mr. Jorkins? (Spenlow uses Jorkins as a front for refusing requests, 410, 411)

What advice does his aunt give David on her departure? (be firm and self-reliant) Why do you think she offers this advice? What kind of rooms does she engage for him? (very nice apartment) Who fails to visit, and why may this be so? (Steerforth--possibly he knows that David's aunt wouldn't like him)

Whom does he write as soon as he is settled?

Chapter 24: My First Dissipation

Under what circumstances does David engage in his “first dissipation”? (visits Steerforth's home and Steerforth visits him) What may this reveal about his character? Are others also responsible?

Whom does David toast at this convivial event, and in what terms? (420, Steerforth) Whom does he meet at the theater? (423, Agnes)

What emotions does David feel on awakening the next day? (424, shame)

Chapter 25: Good and Bad Angels

In his interview with Agnes in the home where she is staying (Mr. Waterbrook's establishment), against what does she warn him? (Steerforth, latter is his bad angel, 427)

How does he respond? (reasserts need for her to come to like and respect Steerforth)

Which other of David’s character traits does she mention? (habit of forming sudden effusive attachments to women, 428)

Why do you think the author includes this hint shortly before David’s meeting with Dora Spenlow?

What does she reveal about her own situation? What are implications of the fact that Uriah Heep wishes a partnership with her father? (429) Does she question Heep’s honesty? (he fosters her father's weaknesses)

Whom does she blame for her father’s problems? (he has been too fixed on her) Does this make sense? Does David attempt to dissuade her from this view?

Had his judgment been clearer, are there ways in which David could have helped her at this juncture? (Could have filled in for Uriah? Looked over their law papers?)

What do we learn indirectly of Agnes’s feelings for David? (430)

During his dinner with Agnes, whom does he meet? (Uriah Heep and Traddles) How do you account for these conjunctions? (serendipitous meetings help bind plot) How does Uriah behave during this occasion? (hovers over David and Agnes)

What opinions are expressed by the dinner guests? (praise for aristocracy, 434) What criticism does David make of the dinner? (too genteel)

What emotions does David feel when hosting Uriah Heep? (439) What confession does Uriah make, and with what effect on David? (he wishes to marry Agnes and hopes David will not go against him) What seems ominous about Uriah’s demand to stay the night?

Chapter 26: I Fall into Captivity

What are some suggestions of the chapter's title? Will these affect the reader's response to its contents?

What do you make of the fact that David fails to warn Agnes that Mr. Heep wishes to marry her? What reason does he give? Would a warning have helped?

What type of literature does David write? (poetry 446) Did Dickens himself write poetry, and if so, at what stage of his life? (when young)

What change in his employment situation occurs? (is articled)

On his visit to Mr. Spenlow’s house, what account does Mr. Spenlow give of the advantages of becoming a proctor? Based on this account, is this a likely suitable occupation for David?

How long does it take David to fall in love with Dora? (450) How is she described? (fond of her small dog)

What person from his past does he encounter at the Spenlows? (456) Do you think Miss Murdstone would be a likely ladies’ companion for Dora?

What is the advantage of reintroducing her into the plot?

What relationship to David does she wish to preserve, and does he concur? What do you think may be her motive in advocating secrecy about the past?

What do he and Dora discuss on their first meeting? (she dislikes Miss Murdstone, 456)

What effect does this meeting have on his behavior? (buys clothes, is absent-minded at work)

What problems does David experience with his housekeeper? What personal subject does she discuss with him? (discerns that he is in love)

Chapter 27: Tommy Traddles

What does David learn about Traddles’s past and prospects? How has he been enabled to study for the law? (466, has worked up from the bottom)

What is his personal situation? (466, engaged to a woman somewhat older than himself) How are he and his fiancée preparing for marriage? (saving for furniture)

Who does it turn out is Tommy Traddles’s landlord? (Mr. Micawber) Does this seem likely?

What is Mr. Micawber’s ostensible present occupation, and how successful has this endeavor been?

Do all enjoy the meal? What does David learn about the Micawbers from their conversation over dinner? (Mrs. Micawber is again pregnant)

Chapter 28: Mr. Micawber’s Gauntlet

What change in tone occurs on the entrance of Mr. Lattimer? What has been the occasion of the latter’s visit? Does this seem ominous?

Against what does David warn Traddles as they depart? (shouldn't lend Mr. Micawber either his money or his name) Is his advice needed? (yes) What has Traddles already lent Mr. Micawber? (quite a bit of money)

On Steerforth’s arrival, what news from Peggotty does he bring?

Why doesn’t David start off right away to provide help or comfort? What may be Steerforth’s motive in delaying David’s trip?

What is Mr. Micawber’s present financial situation? (is being evicted for non-payment of rent)

Chapter 29: I visit Steerforth at his Home, again

During David’s visit to Steerforth’s home, what does he notice in Rosa Dartle’s manner and speech?

Under what circumstances does she play the harp? What remarks anger her?

What symbolism is observed in the changing coloration of the gash on her face?

As David leaves Steerforth, what does the narrator foretell? (will never see him again)

Chapter 30: A Loss

What news does Emily’s employer, Mr. Omer, report of her recent moods? (unsettled)

At Mr. Peggotty’s home, how does Emily behave towards her uncle? (clings to him, seems distressed)

What is her behavior toward Ham? (shrinks, 504)

Under what conditions does Barkis die? (goes out with tide, 507)

Chapter 31: A Greater Loss

What has Mr. Barkis left in his will? Is this more than might have been expected from someone of his occupation?

How has he bequeathed it? Does it make sense that he should leave money to David in addition to his wife and his wife’s niece?

What effect is created by the narrator’s expression of fear and pain at recounting what comes next? (508)

What news does Ham bring to Mr. Peggotty’s house? (512)

What does he wish for Emily, and is his motivation for this more than anger? (that she die rather than be disgraced, 513)

What are the contents of Emily’s letter? (514) Does she seem happy to be taking the path she has chosen? What emotions does she express? (fear, self-pity, guilt)

Whom does she seem to think of most in her departure?

Does Ham connect David with the events which have happened?

How do Mr. Peggotty, Ham and Miss Gummige respond to the news? (513) Whose grief is most emphasized?

How does David respond to the news? (weeps) Does he blame himself? (states that at first he resolved to beg forgiveness of the Peggotys, but then comes to a better frame of mind--lets himself off)

Chapter 32: The Beginning of a Long Journey

Whose will be the long journey of the chapter’s title?

What emotions does David feel for Steerforth on learning that the latter has eloped with Emily? (feels love, 516, cannot reproach him) Why do you think he doesn’t feel anger? Does it seem strange that he is concerned for Steerforth and not Emily?

What changes occur in Miss Gummidge’s behavior? How do Emily’s former employers react to the news of her elopement? (mingled disapproval and concern)

How is Miss Mowcher introduced? What action does she now regret? (has conveyed Steerforth’s letter to Emily)

Do her manner and/or speech seem changed from that of her earlier visit? From what charges does she defend herself? (triviality, lack of feeling, 523) Why has she needed to affect good cheer? (523)

How had she interpreted the statements regarding Emily expressed in her earlier interview with Steerforth and David? (525)

What do you think of Dickens’ intentions in this portrayal of a dwarf? (intends to show that she has a conscience and emotions)

What is shown by Mr.  Peggotty’s intention of visiting Mrs. Steerforth? Is the visit successful?

What do we learn about her views of her son’s actions,? What most troubles her? (feels his action has separated him from her)

What are her opinions on the suitability of a match between Emily and her son? (530)

What does she demand that Mr. Peggotty do? Is this realistic? (531)

How does Rosa Dartle respond to the news that Steerforth has taken Emily as his mistress? (rage and hate, expresses scorn of Mr. Peggotty and Emily)

What is Mr. Peggotty’s aim as he leaves the Steerforth residence? (534, leaves message of undying love and forgiveness) What pattern do we see in his relationship with Emily? (close father-daughter bond common in Dickens's plots)

Chapter 33: Blissful

To what does the title refer? Does it imply any qualification of David’s new romance?

What behaviors does David exhibit when in love? Are there ways in which the narator undercuts David, Dora, or their romance?

Whom does David meet in Mr. Spenlow’s office, and what has brought him there? (Mr. Murdstone is about to remarry, 538)

What characterizes David’s descriptions of Dora? Why do you think he is so effusive? Do he and she have anything in common?

What views of business are expressed by Mr. Spenlow? (of the narrowest kind)

How do David and Dora become engaged?

What do we learn of the narrator as he reflects on his present? (has a daughter, 550, she wears a ring similar to the one he had given Dora) What attitude does he take toward his own past? (smiles at foolish, tender past, 551) What does this suggest? (his relationship with Dora will seem foolish in retrospect)

Are there any ominous signs for this engagement? Is David believable when he claims that he saw no harm in keeping his engagement secret? Why does Dora desire this?

Chapter 34: My Aunt astonishes me

To whom does David first relay the news of his engagement? (Agnes, 552)

What has happened to Twaddles since David has last seen him? (has lost the money lent to Mr. Micawber)

What news does Miss Trotwood bring on her visit to David? (560) Under what circumstances has she lost it? (speculated, advised by Mr. Wickham)

How does she resolve to face her misfortune? (resolutely, bravely)

Chapter 35: Depression

How does Miss Trotwood respond to her situation? For whom is she most concerned? (566, David; worries that this will affect his prospects)

Who offers money to help Miss Trotwood and David? (Peggotty)

What are her views on David’s engagement to Dora and to marriage? Do these views seem reasonable? (feels Dora is flighty and that he needs to marry someone earnest, 565)

How may these views reflect her private judgment of David’s character?

What attempt does David make to lessen his Aunt’s financial difficulties? Why are these unsuccessful? (attempts to have articles canceled but Mr. Spenlow denies this)

When Agnes visits, how do she and Miss Betsey get along? (571)

How does Miss Trotwood respond to London? (dislikes the smoke) Would this have been a reasonable reaction at the time? (London covered in smog)

What change has occurred in the Wickfields' living situation? (Heeps have moved in)

Whose failure to advise her correctly has caused Miss Betsey to lose her investment money? (Mr. Wickfield has given her bad advice--we can blame this on his alcoholism, and perhaps some bad promptings from Heep, but why does she select him as her financial counselor?)

To what do you ascribe Mr. Wickfield’s negligence and/or incompetence?

Should a woman as strong-minded as Miss Betsey have known better than to invest in mining stocks and foreign securities? Is her ignorance of such matters gender based?

Why is David unable to continue as a lawyer in training? (must make an income) What job is proposed for David? (part time secretary to Dr. Strong) Would this be congenial?

What changes does David notice when Mr. Wickfield visits, accompanied by Uriah Heep? (much reduced, 578)

Who seeks to comfort David? How does Agnes respond to Dora? (speaks well of her, 582) What condition does the narrator ascribe to his earlier self? (blind)

Chapter 36: Enthusiasm

What does David observe when he passes the Steerforth home? (Rosa Dartle paces restlessly, 583) 

Under what conditions does Dr. Strong employ David? Is this generous and reasonable? Can David live on this?

Who has begun to hang around the Strong residence? Is this ominous? (Jack Maldon, 587) What traits of character does he evince? (seems bored with everything)

What skill does David start to learn, and to what end? (shorthand)

What has happened to Mr. Dick? (591)

Whom does he visit before his and Miss Trotwood's departure? What gift does he give Tommy Traddles? What practical information does he seek from him? (how can he become a parliamentary reporter) 

What news does David learn of Mr. Micawber? (has been given a post as legal assistant to Uriah Heep) Does this seem likely? (he has no qualifications)

Chapter 37: A little Cold Water

What news is David forced to tell Dora? How does she respond? (with disbelief and alarm) What does he suggest that she must learn? (cooking, household management, keeping of accounts)

Chapter 38: A Dissolution of Partnership

On whom does he practice his stenography skills? Who declaims Parliamentary speeches to him? (Traddles, his aunt, Mr. Dick)

Who informs Mr. Spenlow of his daughter's interest in David? (Miss Murdstone)

What is Mr. Spenlow’s reaction when he learns that Dora and David are attached to one another? (attempts to separate lovers, threatens to disinherit her)

What sudden event alters the situation? (Mr. Spenlow dies, 620) Is this convenient for the plot?

What emotions does David feel at this event? (jealous of Dora’s comforters, 621)

In what state has Mr. Spenlow left his affairs? (has reduced his means) Does this seem plausible? Has he left a will? Why is this surprising? (he had told David firmly that he had carefully arranged his will -- also since his business partly consisted of executing wills and dividing estates, it would seem unlikely for him to have avoided the matter)

What arrangements does Dora make after his death? (moves to Putney)

What new position in relationship to Dora does her loss of wealth place David? How will this affect the plot?

Chapter 39: Wickfield and Heep

When David visits the firm of Wickfield and Heep, who does he discover is now employed there?

What does Mr. Micawber feel about his present employer Heep? (he has been generous to him personally, but doesn't wish to discuss or criticize him)

What observations does Mr. Micawber make on David’s relationship to Agnes? (feels Agnes should be the object of David’s attachment, 630)

What relationship does David claim with her? (she is his adopted sister, 431; he feels calmed in her presence)

What does Agnes advise David to do re: his engagement? (to consult with Dora’s guardians) Is this good advice?

Who is now courting Agnes? (Heep) What virtues does he proclaim to have? (humbleness, 639)

Who frequently accompanies/spies on Agnes and David? (Mrs. Heep)

What attitude does Heep exhibit toward David? (feels jealousy, sees him as a rival both romantically and economically)

Does Mr. Wickfield approve? (641) Of what does he accuse Heep? (of torturing and blackmailing him, 642)

What would have given Heep the power to blackmail Mr. Wickfield? (dishonest dealings) For what does Mr. Wickfield blame himself? (642. agonized at the thought that his daughter might be forced to marry Heep) Are these self-reproaches justified? (narrator/text seems to blame Heep rather than Wickfield)

What does David implore Agnes not to do? (not to sacrifice herself by marrying Heep for her father's sake, 654; she assures David that she has no fear for herself) What term of relationship does she use for him? (her brother)

What alarming claim does Heep make to David before the latter leaves? (he is waiting patiently for his reward)

Chapter 40: The Wanderer

To where does Mr. Peggotty follow Little Emily? Does this surprise you?

What is contained in the letters has Emily sent him? Is she happy in her new situation? For whom does she seem to feel most concern? (Mr. Peggotty, not Ham)

Who quietly observes  him, and what is her present situation? (Martha is now a prostitute)

Chapter 41: Dora’s Aunts

When David visits Dora and her aunts, what views do the latter seem to take of their proposed marriage?

Does Dora seem to understand the realities of her new financial situation? (670)

What does David disapprove of in the aunts' conduct towards Dora? (they condescend, treat her as a plaything) Does she agree?

Chapter 42: Mischief

What new qualities of concentration and work does David claim to have achieved? What does he claim to have been his bent of character? (thoroughly in earnest, 672)

On a visit by Agnes and Mr. Heep to Dr. Strong, of whom does Mr. Heep profess himself “jealous,”  i. e., suspicious? (673) Why does this concern him?

What seems to be his motives for interfering in Dr. Strong’s personal life? What attitudes does he think Annie may harbor toward him, and if so, why does this matter? (Annie might disapprove of his marriage to Agnes)

What prompts Mr. Wickfield to express his doubts to Dr. Strong about Annie's behavior? (Heep insists that he do so) What are Heep's motives in this matter?

What relationship is established between Dora and Agnes upon their meeting? (Agnes in mentor role, receives confidences of lovers, 679) How will David continue to hear news of Agnes?

What insecurities does Dora seem to manifest toward her future husband?

Whom does she hint he might have chosen as opposed to herself? Why do you think the author includes this suggestion at this point in the narrative?

What does Agnes promise David will never happen?

What prompts David to strike Mr. Heep? Is this incident to his credit? How does Mr. Heep respond?

What unexpected report of Mr. Micawber does Mrs. Micawber send?

What advice does David return? Do you think making an effort to reclaim him “by patience and kindness” is the best she could do? (could ask him why he has changed)

Chapter 43: Another Retrospect

What is David’s new occupation?  (parliamentary reporter)   In  what endeavor does he engage on the side, and is he successful in this? (authorship)

How is the wedding of Dora and David described?  What role in the event is played by Agnes?    

Chapter 44: “Our Housekeeping”

What domestic or marital problems trouble the young couple? Whom does the narrator blame for their household disorder?

How does Dora respond when David points out to her ways in which they could save money? Are there ways in which he also might have helped?

How does Miss Trotwood respond when David seeks her intervention? Do you think she is wise?

Which aspects of her past does she seem to regret? (706) What opinion of his marriage does she seem to have formed?

What are some ways in which the young couple are cheated by their servants? (maid pawns their clothes, for example) Are some of these humorous?

Would Dickens’s audience have identified with an account of wayward servants?

What liberties are taken by Jip? What flaws in serving food does David note? (Dora doesn’t make tea right, serves oysters incorrectly)

Whom does Dora wish could have instructed her? (Agnes) What help does she try to offer? (holds his pens, copies)

How does Miss Betsey respond to Dora? Is this surprising?

Chapter 45: Mr. Dick fulfills my Aunt’s Predictions

What intention toward Miss Trotwood does Mr. Dick reveal? (saves his money for her)

In favor of whom does Dr. Strong make his will, and what does this reveal about his character?

What group assembles to watch the scene between Anne and her husband? What part does David play in the scene? (relates previous scene of accusations by Heep)

How does Annie respond to the news of her husband's generous actions? For what does she beg forgiveness, and in what situation? (has been humiliated by sense that her mother and others are trading on her marriage)

Does she still wish to become Jack’s partner? (729) (sees his unsuitability)

Is her expression of regret at Jack's behavior entirely consistent with her prior behavior and apparent regret at his departure?

What does this scene suggest to David’s mind? (incompatibility of his own marriage, 733)

Chapter 46: Intelligence

What occupation is David now pursuing in his free time? (writing fiction)

On visiting the Steerforth home, what news does David learn from Rosa Dartle and Mr. Littimer? (Emily has run away from Steerforth, 735) What has prompted this act? (she had been depressed and he lost interest in her) What abilities had she demonstrated in Europe? (picked up local languages)

How had she been treated by Steerforth? (callously) What marriage had he attempted to arrange for her, and how did Emily respond to this? (Littimer, described as "a respectable person"; she becomes maddened, in Littimer's description, and wants to attack Littimer, escapes into darkness)

Is Littimer still employed by Steerforth, and if not, what has occurred? (Littimer has left his employ) What presumably has happened to Mr. Peggotty’s letter to him?

What does David learn from his conversation with Mrs. Steerforth? In what tone does she bid him farewell? (praiseful of his accomplishments, clearly wishes her son had been similarly applied and successful)

What does Mr. Peggotty believe about Emily's present state? (believes she is still alive)

How has David learned of Martha's whereabouts? (has observed her listening to the earlier conversation of Mr. Peggotty and David)

Where do they find her? (near Blackfriars Bridge)

What prompts David to visit Mr. Peggotty, and what news does he bring? What account does Mr. Peggotty give of Ham's state of mind? (fears an encounter with Steerforth could be violent)

Whom do the two men seek, and why? (Martha, 745)

Chapter 47: “Martha”

As the men follow her, what does Martha seem intent on doing?

How does she respond when accosted, and why? (struggles against them) To what does she compare herself? (the river)

What memories does Martha hold of Emily? (grateful for her past kindness, 751) Against what charge does she wish to defend herself?

What does she feel about her present condition? What mission does she agree to undertake? (to find Emily and tell them of her whereabouts)

Why does she refuse all offers of payment from Mr. Peggotty?

What conversation does David overhear between Miss Betsey and her former husband? (he wants more money from her)

What does she later tell David about his and her past? (757; he had injured and mistreated her)

What has motivated her to continue to support her husband over the years? (affection for his past self)

Chapter 48: Domestic

What has happened to David in the meantime? (has become successful author, 758) How does Dora respond to his occupation? (is proud of him)

What continues to happen in the Copperfield home? (a series of petty thefts by servants, including a page) How much had this child thief been paid per year? (6 pounds and 10 shillings a year)

What does David regret? (unable to “form [Dora’s] mind,” 763)  Does this portrayal seem near caricature?

What physical event is delicately alluded to, and what effect does it have on Dora's health? (miscarried, 767; falls ill, 768)

Chapter 49: I am Involved in Mystery

What is the mystery of the chapter’s title? (reason for Mr. Micawber's distress)

What messages come from Mr. and Mrs. Micawber to David and Tommy Traddles respectively? (both Micawbers are disturbed, she on his account; Mr. Micawber goes to London to consider his situation)

What news does Mr. Micawber convey when they meet him in town? What opinions does he express of Uriah Heep and of Agnes? (778) Of what wrongs does he charge Heep? (780, theft, numerous forms of graft and forgery)

Chapter 50: Mr. Peggotty’s Dream comes true

What are we supposed to think of Mr. Peggotty's search for his niece?

Who guides David to Emily’s location? (Martha) What events take place when they finally arrive at Emily’s dwelling?

Who berates Emily  (Rosa Dartle), and with what does she threaten her? (788, 790) How does Emily respond? (pleads with her to cease her accusations) What reason does she give for her elopement?

Why does this anger Rosa Dartle? What aspect of the affair seems to have most bothered her? (Emily's low station) What aggressive action does she take? (hits Emily, urges her to commit suicide)

Why do you think David and Martha fail to intervene? Do David's excuses seem plausible?

Who finally leaves with Emily? (791, Mr. Peggotty) In what state is she when he carries her off? (unconscious)

Chapter 51: The Beginning of a longer Journey

What do we learn has happened to Emily? (deserted, ill, alone in foreign country) Who has protected and harbored her? (local fisherpeople) Under what conditions has she become a servant?

On whom do the repentant Emily’s thoughts turn? (Mr. Peggotty, not Ham, 797)

Who has warned her to flee the house where she is first employed when reaching London? (Martha, 796)

What future is planned for Mr. Peggotty and Emily? (emigration to Australia 798) Why do they need to travel so far?

What is planned for Ham? (Peggotty will keep house for him) How does he intend to provide for Mrs. Gummidge? (will leave money for her)

What debt incurred by Emily does Mr. Peggotty wish to repay? (to Steerforth)

Why doesn't David visit Emily? (805, would be painful to her) Are his reasons convincing?

What message does Ham send to Emily? (he asks forgiveness for pressing his affection on her, 805) How do her former employers respond to the news of Emily's plans? (are happy to hear that her situation may improve)

What ominous presentiment does David feel as he nears the Peggotty home? (feels Steerforth near, 807)

Who wishes to accompany the emigrants? (808, Mrs. Gummidge, the Micawbers, Martha, etc.)

Chapter 52: I assist at an Explosion

Who continues to be ill? How serious is this illness expected to be?

What change has enabled the visitors to search Mr. Wickfield's papers? (Traddles has power of attorney for Mr. Wickfield, 816)

When David and Mr. Micawber visit Wickfield’s office, what do they learn from the documents filed there? (Heep has stolen from Mr. Wickfield, has stolen money with the latter's signature, and then blackmailed him with "his" theft, has forged his signature on a pretended loan to himself, 823, has falsified accounts, 825)

What range of sums seem to have been involved? What particular amount is given for one of these thefts? (12,614 pounds)

Whom does Mr. Heep threaten, and with what? (816) What  does he confess? (817)

What qualities of manner and behavior make Uriah Heep so peculiarly obnoxious?

What role does Heep's mother play in this scene? (824) Is she aware that her son has engaged in criminal acts?

What punishment do the others inflict on him? (Micawber raps him on hand, 819; prevented from escape)

What had Mr. Heep demanded that Mr. Micawber do, and against whom? (to commit fraud against Mr. Wickfield and others, 820)

What sum has Mr. Heep stolen? Would this be a very large one? How has he accomplished this? (forgery)

How had he removed Mr. Wickfield from the partnership?

With what does Traddles threaten Heep? (jail, 828)

What does Miss Betsey reveal about the circumstances under which she had lost her money? (826) What had been her motives for not complaining of her loss?

Is Miss Betsey able to regain her lost assets? (yes, all of them, 826)

What suggestion does Miss Betsey make on meeting the Micawber family? (that they should emigrate) Who pays for the Micawbers to emigrate to Australia?

What seems to be the view of Australian emigration taken by the novel's characters?

Chapter 53: Another Retrospect

What happens to Dora? (fades away) Whom does she want to see before her death? (Agnes) What attitude does she express toward her impending death? (better as is, 838) Why do you think this admission is included? (designed to make reader feel better about her too-convenient death and David's second marriage)

Is her death sudden? What fate awaits her dog Jip? (dies at same time, 838)

Who is the last person to see her before she dies? (Agnes) Is this significant? How will this affect the narrative?

Has Dora’s death been prepared for within the narrative? Does it seem too convenient?

Chapter 54: Mr. Micawber’s Transactions

What plans does David make after Dora's death? Whom does he praise for her good influence throughout his lifetime? (839)

What turns out to be Mr. Wickfield's financial situation when all is adjusted? (able to pay his obligations) What will Agnes turn to for a living? (will keep a school)

What turns out to be Miss Betsey's financial situation after all has been settled? (has her 5000 pounds but 2000 more, yielding a 350 pounds per annum revenue)

How does Miss Betsey respond to the death of her husband? (853) From what form of harrassment does this free her? (853)

How do the others deal with Mr. Micawber's debts?

Chapter 55: Tempest

What draws David to Yarmouth?

Why does no one seem to think that Ham and Emily might reconcile? (no thought of reunion, 856)

When David tries to deliver Emily's letter to Ham, what situation does he find?

What seems ominous to David about the tempest? Why aren't those on shore able to rescue the shipwrecked passengers?

What does Ham do to try to help? Does he succeed? (killed by wave, 865)

What indications are there that the lone man on the wreck might be Steerforth? Why do you think he has returned to Yarmouth?

How is the death of Steerforth described? Is it ironic--or fitting--that Ham has died trying to save the life of the man who has blighted his own?

Chapter 56: The New Wound, and the Old

Who announces Steerforth's death to Mrs. Steerforth? (867) Does this seem appropriate? What does it enable David to observe?

How does Rosa Dartle respond to the news of his death? Whom does she berate? (his mother, 871)

What emotions does Rosa retain toward Steerforth? What account does she give of their prior relationship?

How does Mrs. Steerforth respond to the news of her son's death?

Chapter 57: The Emigrants

What legal events threaten Mr. Micawber’s departure, and how are these settled? Who is responsible for constraining Mr. Micawber for debt? (Heep, 882)

What messages is David able to bring and receive from Mr. Peggotty and Emily before they depart? Who accompanies them? (Mrs. Gummidge and Martha)

Does David bid farewell to Emily? (waves) What reason does he give for refraining?

Why do you think the novel does not include a reconciliation between Ham and Emily?

Chapter 58: Absence

Where does David travel to escape from his sorrow over Dora’s death, and to reflect? (Alps, 887) How has he been able to afford this trip?

What is the content of Agnes’s letters to him?

To what kind of writing does he turn, and who helps him publish his new book? (Traddles) What reception does it bring?

What does he now realize are his feelings for Agnes? Why does he neither tell her this, nor return home? (890)

How many years does he remain away? How has he been able to afford this trip?

Chapter 59: Return

What has now happened to Traddles and his wife Sophy? (all her sisters live with them, 899-900)

What does he learn from Mr. Chillip of the fate of Mr.  Murdstone’s second wife? (905, similar to that of David's mother) What form of religion is associated with his step-father?

Chapter 60: Agnes

When David returns from his European sojourn and visits Agnes, by what terms do they call one another? (brother and sister, 915-17)

What does David learn about Agnes's prospects, and how does he react? Does she seem happy? Is he content to think that she might marry someone else?

Chapter 61: I am shown Two Interesting Penitents

What brings David to the prison? (Mr. Creakle writes to invite him.) Who are these "interesting penitents"? By what strange logic have both Mr. Heep and Mr. Littimer ended up in the same prison?

What has each done? (Heep had committed bank fraud, 929; Littimer had stolen from an employer, 929)

How do they respond to their incarceration? What forms of hypocritical piety does each now express? How does Littimer attempt to reframe his relationship with Emily?

Of what do they accuse David?

Who has been responsible for the capture of Littimer? (Miss Mowcher)

Why do you think Dickens included this scene?

Chapter 62: A Light shines on my Way

Who suggests to David that Agnes may have an attachment? (Miss Betsey) Does David perceive her meaning accurately?

Why won't Agnes tell David the state of her mind? (935) What confidences does he press on her? Does this seem intrusive?

Why is she reluctant to answer him? What causes them to come to an understanding?

Whom do the engaged couple first tell of their happiness, and what is her response? (aunt is delighted, 938)

Chapter 63: A Visitor

Who is the visitor? (Mr. Peggotty) After how long an absence has he returned? What has happened to David in the meantime? (David now has children of his own, 939) What has happened to the family in Australia? To Martha? Mrs. Gummidge?

How does Emily occupy her time? (in good works, 442) Does this suggest any previous literary repentant "fallen women"? (Hawthorne's Hester Prynne, Gaskell's Ruth)

How has Mr. Micawber altered in character or situation? (pays his bills, 943) Does this seem plausible?

What seems to be the prevailing view of the prospects for Australian settlers? Of the types of emigrants suitable for settlement there?

Why do you think Dickens sends his characters to Australia rather than, say, the United States, Canada, or even another part of the British Isles?

Chapter 64: A last Retrospect

What does the now older author recall in his final retrospect? What has now happened to his aunt? To Rosa Dartle and Mrs. Steerforth? (trapped in time) To Mr. Peggotty and Mrs. Barkis?

Have the good been rewarded and the evil punished?

Final questions:

What are some features of Dickens's style throughout the novel?

What are some of the novel’s basic themes? Its assumptions about class, morality, family life, appropriately gendered behavior, or other issues?

Which features of David Copperfield are affected by its status as a serial publication? Do these improve or undermine the narrative?

What effect is created by the novel’s use of coincidence? By the repeated reintroduction of characters which had appeared in an earlier episode, such as the Micawbers, Tommy Traddles or Miss Murdstone?

What significance do letters play throughout the novel? May some things be conveyed epistolarily more fully than in speech?

What is the significance of the many cases of "overhearing" throughout the novel? Are they necessary to preserve the first-person narrative viewpoint? What effect do they have on the scenes presented?

Why might Dickens have presented so many unhappy, failed or troubled marriages? (Miss Betsey, David, Dr. Stone and Annie) Non-marital relationships which seem to survive? (Mr. Peggoty and Mrs. Gummidge)

What do you make of the fact that so many of the novel’s characters lose or gain money suddenly? Would this have reflected conditions in an age of unsecured bank accounts?

How are the themes of marriage and money intertwined throughout the novel? Does the narrative suggest that pecuniary considerations will be rewarded?

What do you make of the frequent deaths throughout the novel? Would these have been realistic for the time? Which seem most plausible, and which merely convenient? (Mr. Copperfield, Mrs. Copperfield, Barkis, Mr. Spenlow, Steerforth, Dora, etc.)

What are features of the novel's portrayal of erotic and sexual themes? Which of these would have been expected by Dickens' audience?

Would you say that the persons represented in the novel are clustered in groups of good and bad characters? If so, how does this affect the novel's plot and structure?

Why do you think David’s relationship to Agnes is emphasized throughout? Why is the novel designed so that their romantic relationship is deferred?

Which of the novel's scenes would you describe as theatrical? Melodramatic?

According to the evidence of the novel, what social and economic fate awaited "fallen women"? Prostitutes? How does Dickens's treatment of a seduced and abandoned woman compare with that of other novelists of the time? (e. g., Gaskell in Mary Barton and Ruth--in all cases the woman is repentant and abject)

How would the novel's audience have responded to its careful description of places and journeys within London? Its descriptions of homes, apartments and rooms?

What are some of the novel’s merits? Which qualities seem to you primarily/quintessentially Victorian, and which occur in a novel of any century?

What are some patterns in the novel’s presentation of women?

Page numbers from Penguin edition, 1985.