Tuesday 22 August Introduction to course; Britain 1830-1920
Thursday 24 August Mary Prince, The History of Mary Prince, introduction and text
Tuesday 29 August Elizabeth Barrett Browning, “The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point” [handout]
Thursday 31 August Ellen Johnston, Autobiography of “The Factory Girl” [will post]; Sally Mitchell, Daily Life in Victorian England, chapter 3, “Working Life” [will post]
Tuesday 5 September Elizabeth Barrett Browning, “The Cry of the Children” [handout]
Thursday 7 September Mitchell, chapter 2, “Class, Tradition and Money,” [will post], Elizabeth Gaskell, biography, Gaskell, Mary Barton first volume
First posting due, on Prince, Johnston, Barrett Browning, or Gaskell
Tuesday 12 September Mitchell, chapter 6, “Home, Food, and Clothes,” [will post], Mary Barton, second volume
Thursday 14 September Mary Barton, third volume
Tuesday 19 September test on Prince, Johnston, Gaskell, Barrett Browning, and Mitchell, chapters 2, 3 and 6
Thursday 21 September ---------, Charles Dickens, biography, Dickens, Bleak House, chapters 1-10
Second posting due: any topic thus far
Tuesday 26 September Mitchell, chapter 7, “Family and Social Rituals,” Bleak House, chapters 11-40
Thursday 28 September Bleak House, chapters 46-65
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday 3 October Victorian art slides, Alfred Tennyson, biography
Thursday 5 October Tennyson, “The Lady of Shallot”
Tuesday 10 October Tennyson, “In Memoriam,” first half
Thursday 12 October Mitchell, chapter 4, “Science and Technology,” Tennyson, “In Memoriam,” second half
Third posting due: any topic thus far
Tuesday 17 October Joan Perkin, Victorian Women, chapter 12, “A Separate Sphere,” [handout], Augusta Webster, biography, Webster, “The Castaway,” first half
Thursday 19 October “The Castaway,” second half
Tuesday 24 October test, Dickens, Tennyson, Webster, Mitchell, chapters 4 and 7, Perkin
Thursday 26 October student projects, William Morris biography
31 October -------, slides of Morris and Co. art
2 November Morris, News from Nowhere, chapters 1-16
Fourth posting due: any topic thus far
7 November News from Nowhere, chapters 17-32
9 November H. G. Wells, biography, Wells, The Time Machine, chapters 1-6
14 November The Time Machine, chapters 7-12
16 November student projects
Fifth posting due: any topic thus far
Thanksgiving break
28 November research essay due; WWI poetry, Owen [handout]
30 November WWI poetry, Sassoon, Rosenberg [handout]
Sixth posting due: any topic thus far
5 December student projects
7 December test on Morris, Wells, and WWI poetry
12 December final class meeting and presentations of take-home exam/essay drafts
15 December final take-home exam comparative essay and 6 postings due 5 p. m.