Tentative Readings and Schedule for 8:7500 Fall 2019

Week 1 August 26-28

M August 26th   introduction; handouts on syllabus and assignments

W August 28th Mary Seacole, Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands


Week 2 September 4

M Labor Day

W Harriet Wilson, Our Nig


Week 3 September 9-11

M Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Barton

W Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Barton


Week 4 September 16-18

M Rebecca Harding Davis, Life in the Iron Mills

W Hamlin Garlin, 3 stories from Main Travelled Roads


Week 5 September 23-25

M John Ruskin, selections from Modern Painters

W selections from Modern Painters


Week 6 September 30, October 2

M Poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins, “Pied Beauty,” “Binsey Poplars,” “Hurrahing in Harvest,” “Duns Scotus’s Oxford,” “As Kingfishers Catch Fire,” “Spring and Fall”

W William Morris, “The Beauty of the Earth,” “The Society of the Future”


Week 7 October 7-9

M John Muir, selections from The Mountains of California

W slides of Pre-Raphaelite Art, images of the Hudson River School


Week 8  October 14-16

M William Morris, News from Nowhere, chapters 1-10

W News from Nowhere, chapters 11-20


Week 9 October 21-23

M News from Nowhere, to end

W Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward


Week 10 October 28-30

Looking Backward

W Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Herland


Week 11 November 4-6

Poems on war by Thomas Hardy, W. B. Yeats, Rudyard Kipling, Siegfried Sassoon and Isaac Rosenberg, German soldiers of the period

Vera Brittain, Testament of Youth


Week 12 November 18-20

M Testament of Youth  

W  ________

Or: alternate schedule


Week 13 November 4-6

M Mark Twain, The War Prayer, poems by Carl Sandberg and H. D.  

W Ernest Hemingway, 3 stories from In Our Time


Week 14 November 11-13

M  Susan Glaspell, The Inheritors

W _________



Week 15 November 18-20

If time permits, M Olive Schreiner, The Story of an African Farm

W Story of an African Farm

Title and brief abstract due by the Friday of Thanksgiving week, November 29th. __________________________________________________________________________

Thanksgiving week __________________________________________________________________________

Week 16 December 2-4

M Helen Hunt Jackson, Ramona

W Ramona, first presentations on final papers  


Final exam meeting Tuesday December 10th

Presentations on final papers

Submission of final 15+ page essay by the Friday of exam week, December 13th