

Armstrong, Isobel, Joseph Bristow with Cath Sharrock. Nineteenth-Century Women Poets: An Oxford Anthology. Oxford: Clarendon Press: NY: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Auden, W. H., ed. Nineteenth-Century British Minor Poets. New York: Delacorte, 1966; London: Faber and Faber, 1967. PR 1221 .A8. Includes Jane Taylor, EBB, CR, EB, Jean Ingelow, Margaret Veley, Mary Coleridge.

Bax, Clifford, and Meum Stewart, comp. The Distaff Muse: An Anthology of Poetry Written by Women. London: Hollis and Carter, 1949. PR 1177 .B35.

Bernikow, Louise, comp. The World Split Open: Four Centuries of Women Poets in England and America, 1552-1950. New York: Vintage, 1974. PS 589 .B4.

Blain, Virginia, ed. Victorian Women Poets: A New Annotated Anthology. Longman, 2000.

Breen, Jennifer, ed. Victorian Women Poets 1830-1901: An Anthology. Everyman, 1994.

Davis, Gwenn and Beverly Joyce, comps. Poetry by Women to 1900: A Bibliography of American and British Writers. London: Mansell, 1991. Reference Z 2013.5 .W6 D38.

Dyce, Alexander. Specimens of British Poetesses, Selected and Chronologically Arranged. London: T. Rodd, 1827. Special Collections (Leigh Hunt) 810.28 .D99s.

Fletcher, Ian. British Poetry and Prose, 1870-1905. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. PR 1145 .B74. Includes Margaret Veley, Ellice Hopkins, Augusta Webster, Alice Meynell, Mary Coleridge, Mary Duclaux, Charlotte Mew.

Gilbert, Sandra and Susan Gubar, comps. The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women: The Tradition in English. New York: Norton, 1985. PS 508 .W7 N67.

Juhasz, Suzanne. Naked and Fiery Forms: Modern American Poetry By Women: A New Tradition. New York: Octagon, 1976. PS 151 .J8.

Kelly, A.A., ed. Pillars of the House: An Anthology of Verse by Irish Women from 1690 to the Present. Dublin: Wolfhound, 1988. PR 8853 .P54.

Leighton, Angela, and Margaret Reynolds, eds. Victorian Women Poets: An Anthology. Blackwell Publishers, 1995.

Miles, Alfred Henry, ed. The Poets and the Poetry of the Century. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1898. PR 1221 .M5. Special Collections (Leigh Hunt) 810.28 .M64.

Pritchard, A. E., ed. Poetry by English Women: Elizabethan to Victorian. Continuum Publishing Group, 1993.

Ricks, Christopher, ed. The New Oxford Book of Victorian Verse. London: Oxford, 1987. PR 1223 .N48. Includes EB, CB, EBB, CR, Elizabeth Siddal, Adelaide Anne Procter, Dora Greenwell, GE, Louisa Guggenberger, Alice Meynell, Jean Ingelow, E. Nesbit, A. Mary Robinson, Amy Levy, Dollie Radford, Katherine Tynan, Mary Coleridge, Michael Field, and Dora Shorter.

Reilly, Catherine W. Winged Words: An Anthology of Victorian Women's Poetry. Dufour Editions, 1994.

Rossetti, Christina Georgina. The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti. Ed. Rebecca W. Crump. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1979. PR 5237 .A1.

Scott, Diana, comp. Bread and Roses: An Anthology of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Poetry by Women Writers. London: Virago, 1982. PR 1177 .B7.

Sharp, Mrs. William. Women's Voices: An Anthology of the Most Characteristic Poems by English, Scotch, and Irish Women. London: Scott, 1887.

Stanford, Ann, comp. and ed. The Women Poets in English: An Anthology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972. PR 1177 .S8.



Aceland, Alice. Caroline Norton. London: Constable, 1948.

Arseneau, Mary, ed. The Culture of Christina Rossetti: Female Poetics and Victorian Contexts. Ohio U Press, 1998.

Arseneau, Mary. Recovering Christina Rossetti: Female Community and Incarnational Poetics. Palgrave, 2004.

Briggs, Julia. A Woman of Passion: The Life of Edith Nesbit, 1858-1924. London: Hutchinson, 1987. PR 4149 .B4 Z59.

Bristow, Joseph, ed. Victorian Women Poets: Emily Bronte, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rossetti. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1995. PR595 W6 V53 1995

Burlinson, Kathryn. Christina Rossetti. Plymouth: British Council, 1998. PR5238 B87 1998

Clarke, Norma. Ambitious Heights: Writing, Friendship, Love: The Jewsbury Sisters, Felicia Hemans, and Jane Welsh Carlyle. London, NY: Routledge, 1990. PR115 C54 1990

Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth. Gathered Leaves from the Prose of Mary E. Coleridge, with a Memoir by Edith Sichel. London: Constable, 1911. Undergraduate PR 6005.03 A16.

Cooper, Helen. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Woman and Artist. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988. PR 4194 .C66.

Crump, Rebecca W. Charlotte and Emily Bronte: A Reference Guide. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1982. Z 8122 .C78.

David, Deidre. Intellectual Women and Victorian Patriarchy: Harriet Martineau, Elizabeth Barret Browning, George Eliot. Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: McMillan, 1987. PR 469 .F44 D38.

Fitzgerald, Penelope. Charlotte Mew and her Friends. London: Collins, 1984. PR 6025 E8 Z65 1984

Foster, Margaret. Elizabeth Barrett Browning: A Biography. London: Chatto and Windus, 1988. PR 4193 F6 1988

Frank, Katherine. The Empty Mirror: A Biography of Emily Bronte. 1979.

Hughes, Linda. Graham R.: Rosamund Marriott Watson, Woman of Letters. Ohio U Press, 2005.

Jones, Kathleen. Learning Not To Be First: The Life of Christina Rossetti. Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire: Windrush, 1991. PR 5238 .J66.

Kooistra, Lorraine Janzen. Christina Rossetti and Illustration. Ohio U Press, 2002.

Leighton, Angela. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Press, 1986. PR 4194 .L45.

Leighton, Angela, ed. Victorian Women Poets: Writing Against the Heart. Charlottesville: U Press of Virginia, 1992. PR 595 W6 L45 1992

Marsh, Jan. Christina Rossetti: A Literary Biography. London: Jonathan Cape, 1994. PR5238 M37 1994

-----. The Legend of Elizabeth Siddal. London; New York: Quartet Books, 1989. PR5452 .S19 Z75.

-----.The Pre-Raphaelite Sisterhood. London; New York: Quartet Books, 1985. N 6767.5 .P7 M37.

Meredith, George. The Letters of George Meredith to Alice Meynell, with Annotations Thereto, 1896-1907. London; San Francisco: The Nonesuch Press, 1923. Special Collections (x-coll) PR 5013 .A47.

Meynell, Viola. Alice Meynell: A Memoir. New York: Scribner's Sons, 1929. Undergraduate PR 5021 .M3 M4.

Mitchell, Sally. Dinah Mulock Craik. Boston: Twayne, c. 1983.

Moore, Doris Langley-Levy. Edith Nesbit, A Biography. Philadelphia: Chilton Books, 1966. Browsing PR 4149 .B4 Z7.

Peters, Maureen. Jean Ingelow, Victorian Poetess. Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, 1972. PR 4819 .Z5 P4.

Tuell, Anne Kimball. Mrs. Meynell and Her Literary Generation. New York: Dutton, 1925. 828 .M614.T.

Tytler, Sarah. The Songstress of Scotland. London: Strahan, 1871. Photocopy.

special issue of Victorian Poetry on Christina Rossetti, 1994



Armstrong, Isobel, ed. Women's Poetry, late Romantic to Late Victorian: Gender and Genre, 1830-1900. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1999. PR585 W6 W66 1998

Boos, Florence, ed. "The Poetics of the Working Classes," special issue of Victorian Poetry, 2001. Contains articles on Eliza Cook; Ellen Johnston; and "Marie," Fanny Forrester and Janet Hamilton.

Boos, Florence. "Rossetti's Poetic Daughters," Turn-of-the-Century Women Poets and the Use of the Sonnet." Outsiders Looking In: The Rossettis Then and Now, eds. David Clifford and Lauren Rousillon. Anthem Press, 2003.

Bristow, Joseph, ed. The Fin-de-Siecle Poem: English Literary Culture and the 1890s. Ohio U Press, 2005. Contains articles on Marriott Watson, Field, Levy, Mary Robinson, Meynell, and Toru Dutt.

Bristow, Joseph, ed. Victorian Women Poets. NY: St. Martin's, 1995.

Cosslett, Tess, ed. Victorian Women Poets. (Longman Critical Readers Series). Addison Wesley Pub., 1997.

Guy, Patricia A. Women's Poetry Index. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1985. Reference Folio PN 1024 .G89.

Hanley, Evelyn A. The Subjective Vision: Six Victorian Women Poets. New York: Astra, 1978. Includes Emily Bronte, EBB, CR, Alice Meynell, Mary Coleridge, Dora Shorter.

Halladay, Jean R. Eight Late Victorian Poets Shaping the Artistic Sensibility of an Age: Alice Meynell, John Davidson, Francis Thompson, Mary Coleridge, Katharine Tynan. Edwin Mellen Press, 1992.

Harrison, Antony H. Victorian Poets and Romantic Poems: Intertextuality and Ideology. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1990. PR 595 .R6 H37. Includes CR and EBB, among other poets.

Hickok, Kathleen. Representations of Women: Nineteenth-Century British Women's Poetry. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1984. PR 85 .W58 H52.

Holmes, John. Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the Late Victorian Sonnet Sequence. Ashgate Press, 2005. Discusses Augusta Webster, Louisa Bevington, Lady Gregory and Rosa Newmarch.

Homans, Margaret. Women Writers and Poetic Identity: Dorothy Wordsworth, Emily Bronte, and Emily Dickinson. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1980. PR 589 .W6 H6.

Hughes, Linda K. "Women Poets: 1830-1894. Special issue of Victorian Poetry, 1995. Contains articles on Letitia Landon; Janet Hamilton, Ellen Johnston and Marion Bernstein; Jean Ingelow; George Eliot; and Michael Field.

Kaplan, Cora. Salt and Bitter Good: Three Centuries of English and American Women Poets.

Leighton, Angela, ed. Victorian Women Poets: A Critical Reader. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1996. PR595 W6 V52 1996

____ . Victorian Women Poets: Writing Against the Heart. UP Virginia, 1992.

Lootens, Tricia. Lost Saints: Silence, Gender and Victorian Literary Canonization. U Press of Virginia, 1996.

Montefiore, Jan. Feminism and Poetry: Language, Experience, Identity in Women's Writing. London; New York: Pandora, 1987. PS 310 .F45 M66.

Prins, Yopie. Victorian Sappho. Princeton U Press, 1999.

Psomiades, Kathy. Body's Beauty: Feminity and Representation in British Aestheticism. Stanford, 1997.

Psomiades, Kathy and Talia Shaffer, eds. Women and British Aestheticism. U Press of Virginia, 1999.

Robertson, Eric. English Poetesses. London: Cassell, 1883.

Robinson, Bonnie, ed. "Women Poets 1890-1918." Special issue of Victorian Poetry, 2000.

Schaffer, Talia. The Forgotten Female Aesthetes: Literary Culture in Late Victorian England. U press of Virginia, 1999.

Thesing, William B., ed. Victorian Women Poets. Dictionary of Literary Biography. Detroit: Gale Research, 1998.

-----. Victorian and Edwardian Women Poets. Dictionary of Literary Biography. Detroit: Gale Research, 2000.