- Victorian Women Poets Bibliography
- Bibliography of Victorian Poetry and Prose 1830-1900 (to 1990)
- Recent Works on Victorian Literature and Culture (1990-2001)
- Bibliography of Victorian Fiction (to 1990)
- Bibliography of Victorian Sexuality, Gender, and the Lives of Women
- Bibliography on Victorian Historicism (to 1990)
- Selected Bibliography on Ecology, Environmentalism and Literature
- Booklist on the Short Story
- Nineteenth Century British Timeline
- African-American History Timeline
- Chronology of Early Scottish History and Culture
- Chronology of Modern Scottish History and Culture
- Chronology of Britons of African Descent until the Abolition of Slavery
- Timeline for British Women 1750-1930
- Metrics (20th century examples), Metrics (African-American examples), and prosody
- Suggestions on how to write an essay
- Sample comprehensive examination list 1800-1900
- Sample comprehensive examination list 1900-1940