
"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry 2022: D. G. Rossetti and William Morris," Victorian Poetry 61.3 (Fall, 2023).

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry 2021: D. G. Rossetti and William Morris,” Victorian Poetry, 61.3 (Fall, 2022).

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry 2020: Pre-Raphaelitism." Victorian Poetry 60.4 (fall 2021).

“Second Generation Pre-Raphaelitism: The Poetry of the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine,” in Defining Pre-Raphaelite Poetics, eds. Amy Huseby and Heather Witcher. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 83-116.

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry 2019: Pre-Raphaelitism." Victorian Poetry 59.4 (fall 2020): 361-76.

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry 2018: Pre-Raphaelitism." Victorian Poetry 58.4 (fall 2019).

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry 2017: Pre-Raphaelitism." Victorian Poetry 57.4 (fall 2018).

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry 2016: Pre-Raphaelitism," Victorian Poetry 56.4 (fall 2017).

"The Pre-Raphaelites and the Colbeck Collection," Useful and Beautiful 2017.2, 4-12.

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry, 2015: Pre-Raphaelitism," Victorian Poetry 55.4 (fall 2016): 525-38; reprinted to correct printer's error: 55.4 [2017], 525-38.

“Let Me Count the Ways: The Many-Faceted Aurora Leigh,” Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, edited Marcy Taylor and Jennifer Holberg, 16.2 (2016): 333-45.

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry, 2015: Pre-Raphaelitism," Victorian Poetry 55.4 (fall 2016): 525-38.

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry, 2014: Pre-Raphaelitism," Victorian Poetry 51.3 (fall 2015): 327-36.

"Rossetti's 'Portrait(s)': Three New Drafts of a Rossetti Poem," with Mark Samuels Lasner, Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 22 (Fall 2014), 9-28.

"Attributions of Authorship in the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine," Notes and Queries 61.4 (November 2014): 561-63.

"The Socialist League," BRANCH: Britain, Representation, and Nineteenth-Century History, ed. Dino Felluga. April 2015. 

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry, 2013: Pre-Raphaelitism," Victorian Poetry 52.3 (fall 2014): 570-80.

"'A Holy Warfare Against the Age,' Essays and Tales in The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." Victorian Periodicals Review 46 (2014): 344-68.

"'Morris's Truest Follower': Charles J. Faulkner." William Morris Society Newsletter-US, Summer 2014, 18-21.

Review of Fiona MacCarthy, The Last Pre-Raphaelite: Burne-Jones and the Victorian Imagination. William Morris Society Newsletter-US, Winter 2014, 22-23.

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry, 2012: Pre-Raphaelitism," Victorian Poetry 51.3 (fall 2013): 402-17.

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry, 2011: Pre-Raphaelitism," Victorian Poetry 50.3 (fall 2012): 382-89.

"The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2010: Pre-Raphaelitism," Victorian Poetry 49.3 (fall 2011): 398-410.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2009: Pre-Raphaelitism, Victorian Poetry 48.3 (fall 2010): 405-13.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2008: Pre-Raphaelitism, Victorian Poetry 47.3 (fall 2009): 587-94.

“George Gilfillan,” entry for The Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism, eds. Laurel Brake and Marysa Demoor et alia, Academia Press and the British Library, 2009.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2007: Pre-Raphaelitism, Victorian Poetry 46.3 (fall 2008):356-365.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2006: Pre-Raphaelitism, Victorian Poetry 45.3 (fall 2007:321-330.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2005: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 44.3 (fall 2005, issued 2006): 53-64.

“The PRB, the DNB and the ODNB,” William Morris Society Newsletter, Winter 2007, 6-11.

"Class and the 'Spasmodics': W. E. Aytoun, George Gilfillan and Alexander Smith,"  special issue on the Spasmodics, eds. Jason Rudy and Charles La Porte, Victorian Poetry 42.4 (2005): 553-83.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2004: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 43.3 (2005): 371-83.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2003: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 42:3 (2004): 390-401.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2002: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 41:3 (2003): 424-35.

“Rossetti’s Poetic Daughters: Turn-of-the-Century Women Poets and the Use of the Sonnet,” The Rossettis: Cosmopolitans in Victorian London, eds. David Clifford and Lauren Roussillon, Anthem Press, 2004, 249-77.

“Morris and Scottish Modernism: The Prose Romances and Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s A Scots Quair.” The International Morris, ed. Thomas Tobin, SUNY Albany Press, 2004, 145-70.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2001: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 40:3 (2002), 333-340.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2000: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 39.3(2001), 478-90.

“Violet Jacob.” Edwardian Women Poets 1880-1920, ed. William Thesing. Dictionary of Literary Biography. Detroit, London: Bruccoli, Clark, Layman, 2001, 107-12.

“Annie Matheson.” Edwardian Women Poets 1880-1920, ed. William Thesing. Dictionary of Literary Biography. Detroit, London: Bruccoli, Clark, Layman, 2001, 142-49.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1999: Pre-Raphaelitism.” Victorian Poetry 38.3 (2000), 437-47.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1998: Pre-Raphaelitism.” Victorian Poetry 37.3 (1999), 407-416.

"A Program of Their Own: Memories of Women's Studies at Iowa, 1973–1998," Iowa Women's Studies Newsletter, May 1999, 13-27.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1997: Pre-Raphaelitism.” Victorian Poetry 36.3 (1998): 353-362.

“A History of Their Own: Late Nineteenth-Century Feminist Family History.” Contesting the Master Narrative: The Rhetoric of Social History, edited by Jeffrey Cox and Shelton Stromquist. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1998, 69-92.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1996: Pre-Raphaelitism.” Victorian Poetry 35.3 (1997): 408-22.

“Visionary Storytelling: An Interview with Leslie Marmon Silko.” Reading the Short Story, edited by Mary Rohrberger. University of Mississippi: Oxford, 1997, 237-47. Reprinted 2000.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1995: Pre-Raphaelitism.” Victorian Poetry 34.4 (1996): 604-13.

Emily Davies,” “Catharine Macaulay.” Entries in Philosophy of Education: An Encyclopedia, edited J. J. Chambliss. New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1996, 137-39, 375-378. Catherine Macaulay essay reprinted 2002.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1994: Pre-Raphaelitism.” Victorian Poetry, 33.3-4 (Fall-Winter 1995): 554-65.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1993: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 32.3 (Winter, 1994): 275-82.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1991-92: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 31.2 (Fall, 1993): 321-29.

History and Community: Essays in Victorian Medievalism, edited and introduction.
With an article, “Victorian Alternative Futures: ‘Historicism,’ Past and Present, and A Dream of John Ball,” in History and Community: Essays in Victorian Medievalism, ed. Florence Boos. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1992, 3-37, and “Bibliography of Victorian Historicism and Medievalism.” New York: Garland Publishing, 1992.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1990: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 29.2 (Summer, 1991): 300-308.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1989: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 28.2 (Summer, 1990): 218-24.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1988: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 27.3 (Winter, 1989): 210-15.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1987: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 26.3 (Winter, 1988): 468-73.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning,” “Charlotte Wilson,” “William Morris,” entries for Victorian Britain, ed. Sally Mitchell, New York: Garland Press, 1988, 100-101, 512-14, 862-63.

“Grief and Transfiguration in Tennyson’s ‘In Memoriam’,” Connecticut Review, vol. 10.1 (Summer, 1987): 1-12.

“Reformism vs. ‘The Social Revolution’: Eight Letters from Morris to James Mavor in the University of Toronto Library,” William Morris Society Newsletter, January, 1988: Supp 1-6.

“The Aldrich Collection,” U. S. William Morris Society Newsletter, October, 1987: 3-5.

“Augusta Webster,” in Victorian Poets After 1850, edited by William Fredeman and Ira Nadel, Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1985, 280-84.

“Dante Gabriel Rossetti,” in Victorian Poets After 1850, edited by William Fredeman and Ira Nadel, Columbia, S. C.: Brucolli, Clark, Layman, 1985, 217-236.
Reprinted with revisions in The Concise Dictionary of Literary Biography, Brucolli, Clark, Layman, 1992, 341-59.

“Catharine Macaulay: Historian and Reformer,” International Journal of Women’s Studies 3.1 (1980): 49-65. Co-authored with William Boos.

“Old Controversies, New Texts: Two Recent Books on Pre-Raphaelitism,” review essay, Modern Philology 77.2 (1979): 172-85.

“Dante Rossetti and the Poetry of William Bell Scott,” William Morris Society Journal 4.1 (1979): 20-28.

“Medievalism in Alfred Tennyson and William Morris,” Victorians’ Institute Journal 7 (1978): 19-24.

“Christian Pre-Raphaelitism: G.M. Hopkins’s Debt to Richard Watson Dixon,” Victorian Poetry 16.4 Winter, 1978): 314-22.

“Two Unpublished Letters of Dante Rossetti,” William Morris Society Journal 3.4 (1978): 4-7.

“Catharine Macaulay’s Letters on Education (1790): An Early Feminist Polemic,” University of Michigan Papers in Women’s Studies 2.2 (1976): 64-78.

“A Source for the Rime of Poe’s ‘The Raven’: Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s ‘A Drama of Exile,’” Mary Wollstonecraft Journal 2.2 (May, 1974): 30-31. Co-authored with William Boos.


“Bibliography of Victorian Historicism and Medievalism.” History and Community: Essays in Victorian Medievalism, ed. Florence Boos. New York: Garland Press, 1992: 231-87. Annotated bibliography of Victorian histories and historicist literary texts. (Listed above)

“1977 Bibliography of Literature in English by and about Women: 600-1975,” co-edited with Lynn Miller, Women and Literature 6.2 (Fall, 1978, Bibliography Supplement): 1-124.

“1976 Bibliography of Literature in English by and about Women: 600-1975,” Women and Literature 5.2 (Fall, 1975, Bibliography Supplement): 1-167.

“1975 Bibliography of Literature in English by and about Women: 600-1960,” edited, Women and Literature 4.2 (Fall, 1976, Bibliography Supplement): 1-148.

“1974 Bibliography of Literature in English by and about Women: 1660-1960,” edited, Women and Literature 3.2 (Fall, 1975): 33-64.

“Check List for Mary Wollstonecraft,” Mary Wollstonecraft Newsletter 1.2 (April, 1973): 1-5.

"The Biographies of Mary Wollstonecraft" Mary Wollstonecraft Newsletter 1.2 (April, 1973): 6-10.

“Supplement to Checklist,” Mary Wollstonecraft Newsletter 2.1 (December, 1973): 32-33.


“A New Woman and the Pre-Raphaelites.” Review of Linda Hughes, Graham R.: Rosamund Marriott Watson, Woman of Letters, Ohio University Press, 2005. William Morris Society in the United States Newsletter, Summer 2006. 

Review of Elaine Showalter, Sexual Anarchy: Gender and Culture at the Fin de Siecle (Viking, 1990); Ornella Moscucci, The Science of Woman: Gynaecology and Gender in England, 1800-1929 (Cambridge, 1990); and Patricia Vertinsky, The Eternally Wounded Woman: Women, Doctors and Exercise in the Late Nineteenth Century (Manchester, 1990). Women’s Review of Books 9.2 (November, 1991): 26-27.

Review of Gordon Haight, ed. The Letters of George Eliot. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985, Women’s Review of Books 3.2 (November, 1985): 6-7. Reprinted 2003.

Review of Phyllis Rose, Parallel Lives: Five Victorian Marriages, New York: Alfred Knopf, 1983, Women’s Review of Books 1.5 (February, 1984): 3-5.

Review of Herbert Sussman, Fact Into Figure: Carlyle, Ruskin, and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Victorian Studies 24.3 (Spring, 1981): 375-76.

Review of Audrey Williams, Artists and Writers in Revolt: The Pre-Raphaelites, and A.I. Grieve, The Art of Dante Gabriel Rossetti: 1. Found 2. The Pre-Raphaelite Modern Life Subject, Victorian Studies 21.1 (Summer, 1978): 509-10.

Review of Mary Wollstonecraft, Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, ed. Carol Poston, Eighteenth-Century Studies 10.2 (Winter, 1977): 277-81.

Review of Wendell Stacy Johnson, Sex and Marriage in Victorian Poetry, 6.2 (1976): 13-14.

Review of Francoise Basch, Relative Creatures: Women in Society and the Novel, Women’s Studies Abstracts 5.1 (1976): 1.

“The Biographies of Mary Wollstonecraft,” Mary Wollstonecraft Newsletter 1.2 (April, 1973): 6-10. Review of biographies by Eleanor Flexner, Ralph Wardle, and Margaret George.


“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society-US Newsletter, Winter, 2008, 2-3.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society-US Newsletter, Summer, 2007, 2-3.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society-US Newsletter, Winter, 2007, 2-3.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society-U. S. Newsletter, Summer, 2006, 2-3.

“Letter from Florence Boos, William Morris Society-U. S. Newsletter, Spring 2006, 2-3.  Editorial remarks as President of the William Morris Society in the United States.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society in the United States Newsletter, Winter 2006, 1.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society in the United States Newsletter,  Fall, 2005, 2-3.

 “Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society in the United States Newsletter, Summer 2005.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society in the United States Newsletter, Winter 2005, 1-2.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society in the United States Newsletter, Summer 2004, 1-2.

“Pacifism and the Arguments Against War,” www.ipiraq, March 5th, 2003. 

“Retrospective,” Concerns, Newsletter of the Midwest Women’s Caucus for the Modern Languages, Summer 2000, 4.

“MVSA After Twenty-Five Years,” Bulletin of the Midwest Victorian Studies Association, Spring 2001, p. 14.

“A Program of Their Own: Memories of Women’s Studies at Iowa, 1973-1998,” Iowa Women’s Studies Newsletter, May 1999, 13-27.

“Some Impressions of Iceland,” U. S. William Morris Society Newsletter, April, 1986, 3-5. Reprinted in University of Iowa Spectator, June, 1986, 8.

“Midwest Victorian Studies Association Conference on Humor,” Midwest Victorian Studies Association Newsletter 5 (June 1983): 2-5; reprinted Victorian Studies Bulletin 6.3 (September, 1982): 3-4.

“Marks and the Emperor’s Clothes,” The Sheaf, University of Saskatchewan, Fall, 1971.

“Women at Wisconsin,” pamphlet, one of six authors, Madison, Wisconsin, 1970.


"'The Wreck of the Deutschland' as a Pindaric Ode"

"The Rhetoric and Character of Guido" [Browning's The Ring and the Book]

"Language in Oliver Twist & Our Mutual Friend"

"Marx and Engels Before the Collaboration"

"Social Reality in The Princess Cassamassima" (Henry James's novel featuring an anarchist)

"Carlyle and the Idea of the Hero"

"London Standard English"

"The Function of Talus in the Allegory of Justice, Book V of Spenser's The Fairie Queene"

Commencement Address 2005